30 Plants That Can Detoxify The Air In Your Home


We spend most of our time indoors, either working or just living our everyday lives. Sometimes the air pollution occurring inside can be worse than the pollution that is found outside. You might think that just putting an air purifier in your home will fix the problem, but unfortunately it’s not always that simple. Air-conditioning, purifying and  dehydrating units tend to recycle the same, dirty air. They also dry out the air, and can cause different types of allergies due to the dust they produce, not to mention the damage they do to our electric bill! Thankfully enough, nature has a solution that is both healthy and inexpensive.

Plants As A Secret Weapon To Fresher Air

Recent research has discovered that some plants can act as air purifying units, filtering and detoxifying the air around your house. This is why placing them inside is a great way to get some fresh air running through your home. In addition, they are great way to add some color and a fresh look to your home making it more comfortable than ever!

Which Plants Have These Capabilities?

There are many different plants with these type of abilities but some of them are better than others. Not only that some can be poisonous to cats and dogs. So if you’re a pet owner be very mindful of the plants that you bring into your home. The folks over at TailSmart have cross referenced our comprehensive list with data from the ASPCA to determine 11 safe detoxifying plants for cats and dogs. Having said that, let’s take a look at the top 30 plants that will detox the air in your home:”

1. Aloe Vera

  • Removes The Following Toxins: Aloe Vera is ideal for helping to remove formaldehyde from the air.
  • Basic Care Instructions: Aloe Vera plants require well-drained soil. They need to have enough drying time between each watering session. They can be positioned in full sun but they require protection from the high heat.
  • Best For: Aloe Vera is also known for helping with easing burns. It is best for those living in smaller apartments/homes or areas where high exposure to chemical air pollution is evident.

2. Areca Palm

  • Removes The Following Toxins: Areca Palm is suitable for helping to remove toluene and xylene from the air and it can help to increase overall air purification.
  • Basic Care Instructions: Areca Palm prefers well-drained soil and partial sun exposure. It is moderately drought tolerant, making it suitable for dry conditions.
  • Best For: Those who may have asthma or require effective air purification.

3. Rubber Plant

  • Removes The Following Toxins: The Rubber Plant is ideal for promoting high oxygen levels. It can remove chemicals including formaldehyde in areas where high exposure is seen.
  • Basic Care Instructions: Rubber plants prefer rich soil, filtered light, and infrequent watering each day.
  • Best For: The Rubber Plant is ideal for those living in the large cities where high exposure to chemical air pollution from vehicles and buildings is evident.

4. Golden Pothos

  • Removes The Following Toxins: Golden Pothos is ideal for helping to remove formaldehyde along with carbon monoxide. It is also known to help with increasing the general overall indoor air quality.
  • Basic Care Instructions: Golden Pothos is suitable for colder temperatures and doesn’t require sufficient watering. It prefers partial sunlight exposure.
  • Best For: Golden Pothos is ideal for those living in areas where exposure to car fumes or heavy smoke exists.

5. Money Plant

  • Removes The Following Toxins: Money Plant is ideal for helping to reduce the toxins benzene, formaldehyde, toluene and xylene from the air. It can also help to increase overall air quality and purification.
  • Basic Care Instructions: The Money Plant is a low maintenance plant which doesn’t require constant watering. It can be watered once every 7-10 days and prefers direct sunlight.
  • Best For: Money Plant is ideal for asthmatics, those with lung conditions, and people who are exposed to high city smog living conditions.

6. Spider Plant

  • Removes The Following Toxins: Spider Plant is capable of promoting high air purification. It is suitable for helping to lower exposure to formaldehyde, toluene, and xylene in the air.
  • Basic Care Instructions: Spider plants prefer well-drained soil and indirect bright light. They should be watered well but not to the point of becoming too soggy. Spider plants prefer drying out between being watered.
  • Best For: Spider Plants are ideal for placing in homes that have been freshly painted. They are also suitable for apartments or homes that are exposed to big city chemical air pollution.

7. Red-edged Dracaena

  • Removes The Following Toxins: Red-edged Dracaena is suitable for removing benzene, formaldehyde, toluene, xylene, and trichloroethylene from the air. It is a great choice for providing high air purification, and helps to increase the overall oxygen quality within any home.
  • Basic Care Instructions: Red-edged Dracaena prefers shade to partial sunlight. They like well-drained soil and only require watering when the soil is dry.
  • Best For: Red-Edged Dracaena is great for any home or apartment. It is suitable for people with asthma, lung conditions, work areas where high cleaning products are used, and where high city smog and car fume exposure exists.

8. English Ivy

  • Removes The Following Toxins: English Ivy is a great choice for homes to help with removing most toxins including benzene, formaldehyde, toluene, xylene, and trichloroethylene. It is also a great choice for increasing the overall air quality and enhances air purification.
  • Basic Care Instructions: English Ivy can be placed in shaded light to full sun areas. It isn’t too worried about soil consistency as long as it isn’t waterlogged. English Ivy likes regular to moderate water, and should only be watered in the morning so the foliage can dry throughout the day.
  • Best For: English Ivy is suitable for people living in dense city smog and car fumes areas. It is also suitable for people who may suffer from lung conditions, asthma, or coughs.

9. Mother in-law’s tounge

  • Removes The Following Toxins: Mother In Law Tongue is a great choice for purifying the air, and can help to increase overall air quality. It is a smaller plant which can help to reduce exposure to benzene, formaldehyde, toluene, xylene, and trichloroethylene in the air.
  • Basic Care Instructions: Mother In Law Tongue is an exceptionally durable plant. It prefers full foliage and high-lighted areas. This plant likes temperatures above 50°F and likes to be kept dry allowing for watering 1-2 times per week.
  • Best For: Mother In Law Tongue is ideal for those who are exposed to gasoline, smog, car fumes, or heavy cleaners. It is ideal for asthmatics and those with lung conditions like emphysema.

10. Peace Lily

  • Removes The Following Toxins: Peace Lilly is known to remove benzene. Benzene is a known carcinogen and a common household chemical. This plant is also known to help remove mold spores from the air and is ideal for laundry rooms, kitchens, and bathrooms. Peace Lilly can also help to clean the air of trichloroethylene. Trichloroethylene is a chemical found in solvents and cleaners. It can even help to remove acetone, alcohols, and formaldehyde.
  • Basic Care Instructions: Peace Lilly is an easy to care for place and prefers plenty of water. It is ideal for exposure to indirect bright light.
  • Best For: Peace Lilly is ideal for homes which may be affected my mold and mildew. It is also suitable for homes that are cleaned a lot, and where exposure to high air pollution exists.

11. Purple waffle plant

  • Removes The Following Toxins: Purple Waffle Plant is an ideal choice for helping to remove formaldehyde from the air. It can help to increase overall air purification, and is suitable for increasing the quality of the air within any home.
  • Basic Care Instructions: Purple Waffle Plant grows best when placed in partial shaded areas or bright filtered light. It prefers moderate to high levels of humidity, and needs protection from wind conditions that are strong. They require good soil drainage and require moist fertile soil.
  • Best For: Purple Waffle Plant is great for homes in the city that are exposed to smog and car fumes. It can also help those who live near industrial factories.

12. Bamboo Palm

  • Removes The Following Toxins: Bamboo Palm is ideal for removing formaldehyde and is suitable for acting as a natural humidifier for most indoor areas. It can also help to remove xylene and toluene.
  • Basic Care Instructions: Bamboo Palm prefers moist conditions and soil with exposure to indirect bright light. It doesn’t like sitting directly in pools of water.
  • Best For: Bamboo Palm is suitable for placing in homes or shops which may be exposed to gasoline. It is suitable for those who live in high air pollution areas and areas where car fume exposure exists.

13. Sansevieria

  • Removes The Following Toxins: Sansevieria is a great plant for helping to remove benzene, formaldehyde, toluene, xylene, and trichloroethylene from the air. This plant is ideal for lowering exposure to these toxins, and is great for helping to increase the quality of air while providing overall air purification.
  • Basic Care Instructions: Sansevieria is able to tolerate most types of soil and can go for long periods of time without any water. During the winter months, this plant should be watered sparingly. They prefer shaded or partial lighted areas and can handle fluctuating temperatures.
  • Best For: Sansevieria is a great choice for people who may have emphysema, asthma or any other lung condition. It is also suitable for those living or working in high city smog areas, or areas where exposure to cleaning chemicals, industrial fumes, or car fumes exist.

14. Spathiphyllum

  • Ideal For Removing Toxin’s Including: Spathiphyllum is a versatile plant and is a great plant to help purify the air quality within any home. This plant can help to reduce exposure to acetone, ammonia, benzene, ethyl acetate, formaldehyde, methyl alcohol, trichloroethylene and xylene.
  • Basic Care Instructions: Spathiphyllum thrives in shaded conditions which fall below 55°, and prefer regular watering every week.
  • Best For: Spathiphyllum is a formidable plant which can help to reduce most toxins making it suitable for asthmatics, people with lung conditions, and those with emphysema. It can be used in homes that are near large city smog, car fumes, industrial factories, or areas where people are exposed to heavy cleaners or paint fumes.

15. Asparagus Fern

  • Removes The Following Toxins: Asparagus Fern is can help to increase the overall air quality of a home. It is suitable for removing toxins such as formaldehyde and benzene and can help to keep the air cleaner within your home.
  • Basic Care Instructions: Asparagus Fern likes to be in areas where full sun exposure exists. It requires regular watering, and prefers moist, fertile, well-drained soil.
  • Best For: Asparagus Fern is suitable for those living in the larger cities where exposure to car fumes and smog is evident. It can also help to purify the air for asthmatics and those with special lung conditions.

16. Variegated Wax Plant

  • Ideal For Removing Toxin’s Including: Variegated Wax Plant has shown to help improve overall air quality by helping to remove benzene and formaldehyde from the air. This plant can also increase overall air purification.
  • Basic Care Instructions: Variegated Wax Plants prefers high-lighted and sunny areas. It should be watered a couple of times a week and prefers moist soil when exposed to direct sunlight.
  • Best For: Variegated Wax Plant is suitable for people who may suffer from lung conditions such as emphysema or asthma. It is also ideal for those who may be exposed to car fumes, petrol, paint fumes, industrial or city smog, or heavy cleaning products.

17. Dragon Tree

  • Removes The Following Toxins: Dragon Tree is a great plant choice for helping to remove toluene, xylene, formaldehyde, and benzene from the air. This plant can easily increase the air quality within the home, and can help to promote an increase in oxygen levels by reducing the overall toxin content.
  • Basic Care Instructions: Dragon Tree is a low maintenance plant and only needs watering if the soil is dry. It does best in soil that is well-drained and prefers to be placed in partial lighted or shaded areas where temperatures are warm.
  • Best For: Dragon Tree is suitable for those living in homes that are exposed to paint fumes, car fumes, petrol or gas fumes, as well as city or industrial smog. It can also help those who have exposure to heavy cleaning solvents. Dragon Tree is suitable for those with lung conditions.

18. Devil’s Ivy

  • Removes The Following Toxins: Devil’s Ivy is a great choice for removing toluene, xylene, formaldehyde, and benzene from the air. This plant can increase oxygen levels and can help to improve the overall air quality within any home.
  • Basic Care Instructions: Devil’s Ivy prefers low light to bright lighted conditions, but doesn’t like direct sunlight. This plant should be watered a couple of times a week and allow to dry in between water sessions. Devil’s Ivy doesn’t like soggy soil.
  • Best For: Devil’s Ivy is suitable for homes which are exposed to car, paint, or gas fumes. It can also help with those who are exposed to heavy cleaning products or homes where industrial factory or city smog conditions exist.

19. Purple Heart Plant

  • Removes The Following Toxins: Purple Heart Plant is a great choice for helping to improve overall air quality. It is suitable for helping to remove the toxins benzene and formaldehyde from the air.
  • Basic Care Instructions: Purple Heart Plant should be watered regularly. Their soil should be kept evenly moist. This plant prefers bright light and thrives on almost direct sunlight.
  • Best For: Purple Heart Plant can help those with asthma and lung conditions. It can help those who are exposed to car fumes, smog or everyday cleaning products.

20. Flamingo Lily

Flamingo Lily
  • Removes The Following Toxins: The Flamingo Lily is ideal for reducing ammonia, toluene, xylene, and formaldehyde. It can help to increase the air quality within a home, and is suitable for increasing the overall oxygen levels.
  • Basic Care Instructions: The Flamingo Lily prefers filtered low light and should be kept in temperatures of 60-75°F. This plant likes evenly moist soil and should be watered once or twice per week.
  • Best For: Flamingo Lily is suitable for those who are exposed to cleaning products, car fumes, fuel fumes, city smog, industrial gasses, and paint fumes. It can help to purify the air for those with lung conditions including asthmatics and emphysema

21. Lilyturf

  • Removes The Following Toxins: Lilyturf can help to remove ammonia, toluene, xylene, and formaldehyde from the air within your home. This plant is capable of increasing oxygen levels and can help to improve air quality.
  • Basic Care Instructions: Lilyturf can easily be grown in most light conditions including full sun to shaded conditions. This plant can handle most soil types but prefers well-drained, rich, loose and slightly acidic soil. They like moderate watering but should be allowed to dry out between watering.
  • Best For: Lilyturf is suitable for people who are exposed daily to cleaning products, paint fumes, city or factory smog, or vehicle fumes. This plant can help clean the air for those with common lung conditions including emphysema and asthma.

22. Boston Fern

  • Removes The Following Toxins: Boston Fern is able to help remove formaldehyde from the air and is said to act as a natural type of air humidifier. This plant can also remove xylene and toluene. It is said to be one of the best houseplants for air purification.
  • Basic Care Instructions: Boston Ferns likes damp soil and prefers bright light. They also have the ability to handle partial light or drought like conditions.
  • Best For: Boston Ferns are great for those living or working in areas where exposure to gasoline exists. They are ideal for homes exposed to city smog, and are suitable for those who may have asthma or breathing conditions.

23. Elephant Ear Philodendrum

  • Removes The Following Toxins: Elephant Ear Philodendrum is ideal for removing formaldehyde from the air to help with overall purification.
  • Basic Care Instructions: Elephant Ear Philodendrum do well in heated environments. They prefer soil that is rich, and like to be kept moist with slight drying in between watering.
  • Best For: Elephant Ear Philodendrum is ideal for those who may live in areas near industrial factories which send out high levels of smog and smoke.

24. Weeping Fig

  • Removes The Following Toxins: Weeping Fig is ideal for helping to remove common airborne toxins. It also has the ability to help with increasing overall oxygen levels and can help with reducing xylene and toluene.
  • Basic Care Instructions: Weeping Fig prefers to be moderately watered and is suitable for exposure to bright light and sunlight.
  • Best For: Weeping Fig is suitable for homes which are exposed to vehicle fumes, city or factory smog, paint fume, or heavy cleaning solvents.

25. Dwarf Date Palm

  • Removes The Following Toxins: Dwarf Date Palm is ideal for helping to reduce common toxins xylene, toluene, and formaldehyde from the air. This plant can also help to promote increase oxygen levels, and is able to improve air quality in highly exposed areas.
  • Basic Care Instructions: Dwarf Date Palm grows best in full sun and requires plenty of growing room. It goes best with soil that is well-drained, and should be watered freely in the hotter months and sparingly in the winter months.
  • Best For: Dwarf Date Palm is ideal for placing in homes that may be exposed to paint fumes, factory smog, car fumes, or heavy cleaning solvents. It can help improve air quality for asthmatics and those with different lung conditions.

26. Florists’ Chrysanthemum

  • Removes The Following Toxins: Florists’ Chrysanthemum are ideal for removing many toxins from the air which include xylene, toluene, formaldehyde, ammonia, benzene, and trichloroethylene. They are perfect for increasing overall air quality and oxygen levels.
  • Basic Care Instructions: Florists’ Chrysanthemum likes to be placed in moist, rich, well-drained soil. Sandy soil is also ok. This plant prefers partial light to full light, and should be watered a few times a week but should be allowed to dry in between water sessions.
  • Best For: Florists’ Chrysanthemum are perfect for people with asthma, lung conditions, or emphysema. They are also helpful for homes exposed to heavy cleaning products, paint fumes, car fumes, fuel fumes, and factory or city smog.

27. Dumb Canes

  • Removes The Following Toxins: Dumb Cane is ideal for removing xylene and toluene from the air within your home. This plant helps to purify the air and is suitable for increasing oxygen levels.
  • Basic Care Instructions: Dumb Cane grows best in partial shade or bright filtered light. It prefers high humidity levels, and should be moderately watered when the soil becomes dry. This plant can’t stand constant watering and goes well in soil that is well-drained.
  • Best For: Dumb Cane is suitable for homes that are freshly painted or which are exposed to common city vehicle smog.

28. Moth Orchids

  • Removes The Following Toxins: Moth Orchids are ideal for helping to increase purification of the air within homes. They are suitable for removing xylene and toluene and can increase air quality.
  • Basic Care Instructions: Moth Orchids shouldn’t be placed in direct sunlight unless it is in the late evening or early morning. They grow best in filtered bright light along with high humidity. They should be watered sparingly around once or twice per week.
  • Best For: Moth Orchids are suitable for homes which are exposed to factory or city smog, smoke, or fumes. They are also suitable for homes which are freshly painted or where paint fumes exist.

29. Sacred Water Lily

  • Removes The Following Toxins: Sacred Water Lily is suitable for helping to remove formaldehyde from the air. This plant can help to promote overall air purification and can increase oxygen levels.
  • Basic Care Instructions: Sacred Water Lily’s love the water and should be watered well throughout the week. They grow best in moderate to bright lighted areas where medium humidity exists.
  • Best For: Sacred Water Lilies are ideal for those who may be exposed to everyday cleaning products, cosmetics, or factory smoke and smog.

30. Barberton Daisy

  • Removes The Following Toxins: The Barberton Daisy is a great plant for removing benzene, formaldehyde, and trichloroethylene from your home. It is ideal for increasing the overall oxygen levels within the home and can help purify the air.
  • Basic Care Instructions: The Barberton Daisy grows best in milder temperatures with full sun exposure. They prefer well-drained soil and should only be watered 1-2 times per week. This plant should be allowed to dry between each watering.
  • Best For: Barberton Daisy is best for homes and people who are exposed to fuel fumes, car fumes, factory or large city smog, and smoke. It can also help those who are exposed to heavy cleaning solvents.

All of the plants above are able to filter many different chemicals that are present in your home, in order to produce fresher, more oxygenated air. Understanding what type of chemicals you are dealing with and how to take care of them is  key to enjoying good air quality. If you care about your health, clean air should be one of your main concerns. Below you can find the list of different chemicals that are commonly found in the modern home:

Chemicals That Are Present In Your Home’s Air

  • Formaldehyde: Formaldehyde is a type of chemical that is created by the combustion of gases. It’s also commonly used in varnishes-  if you have anything made of wood in your house (think tables, chairs, cabinets) it might be coated with a resin that contains formaldehyde. Plants like the bamboo palm are great plants that will act as natural solutions to battle formaldehyde.
  • Carbon Monoxide: Carbon monoxide is one of the most common chemicals present in our households. Created mostly by the combustion of gases from fabric production and vehicles, it can have negative impact on your health. Plants like the spider plant are one of the best solutions to battle this chemical.
  • Xylene: This hydrocarbon is a type of solvent that is present in paint and leather. Despite being odorless, it is definitely harmful. Golden Pothos is a great choice to filter xylene.
  • Trichloroethylene: This solvent is used mostly as a common rug cleaning product, which is one reason why it’s really important to have a plant that can filter it. Peace lily is a really beautiful plant that absorbs trichloroethylene. It requires watering only once a week, and it can be placed in any type of environment. Be careful though, as it can be toxic to pets.

The Bottom Line

There are many plants that you can use to filter the chemicals out of your air. Some of them are better than the others, depending on the intended use. For example, the best plant to humidify and to help to cool down your place is without  doubt Areca Palm. This plant is considered to be the most efficient air purifying plant out there. The palm can transpire approximately a liter of water every 24 hours, thus humidifying your better than many automated solutions. If you want a healthier, cleaner and fresher home, make sure you fill it with plants!