The Ultimate Guide to Liver Detox

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You don’t likely think much about your liver, but if it’s not functioning at its best, it could be a major detractor from your overall health. The liver acts as a sort of filter, taking toxins from the bloodstream, regulating fat and hormones, and aiding in digestion. However, its primary role remains cleansing foreign substances from the bloodstream, which is one of the reasons poor liver health is often correlated with alcohol abuse.

Alcohol abuse isn’t the only cause of poor liver health. Many people suffer from non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, a condition in which the liver becomes clogged with fat and cannot properly filter the blood. Some estimates indicate as much as 30% of the populous could have this condition!

According to Dr. Karl Maret, M.D., “The proper functioning of the eyes, the heart, the brain, the gonads, the joints, and the kidneys are all dependent on good liver activity.” It’s quite obvious that such an important organ needs to be given some careful attention since so much of your overall health is reliant on it performing the vital function of cleansing the bloodstream. Because of this, even if you don’t have fatty liver disease, it’s worth cleansing your liver.

Look at it this way: cleansing your liver through a liver detox diet is a lot like cleaning air filters, or your sink. The air filters in the central air system of your home filter all the air you breathe. What happens if they’re dirty? The air you breathe will be full of spores and dust, and could make you sick. Your sink is used to rinse and wash dishes, as well as washing hands while cooking. If it’s dirty, you risk getting sick from bacteria left on dishes that haven’t been washed properly, or spread onto household surfaces due to unclean hands. Just the same, if your liver isn’t cleansed occasionally, it won’t be able to filter your blood properly, and the health of your entire body will be compromised.

How Does the Liver Get Damaged?

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The liver is typically damaged because of excess fat and sugar. Our liver, having never truly adapted to the possibility of us regularly consuming more fat and sugar than our body could possibly use, which would have been a virtual impossibility several hundred years ago, doesn’t know what to do when confronted with this problem. Thus, when we binge on unhealthy foods, the fat and sugar have all sorts of negative effects, such as hardening arteries, accelerating; and of course promoting fat storage, in both the liver itself and just below the surface of the skin.

The adipose tissue of the liver produces excess leptin, a hormone meant to inhibit hunger and get us to stop eating, which leads to decreased levels of Adiponectin. This can lead to insulin resistance, which causes higher blood sugar, and easily leads to prediabetes and diabetes. In fact, having a fatty liver increases your risk of developing type II diabetes by 500 percent.

The liver is designed to farm out fuel to the muscle groups that need it, a process that works very well in active individuals. However, if you are especially inactive, your liver will eventually reach the point where it can no longer store the excess calories as fat within the adipose tissue, with no place in the body needing the fuel, and it will be forced to do something antithetical to its very nature, reject the calories it’s meant to process.

To pull off this strange feat, your body must synthesize extra bile and cholesterol in order to return the excess calories to the digestive tract. This will cause elevated LDL cholesterol levels, heartburn, and indigestion. For this reason, many people continuously consume antacids, treating the symptom rather than the source of the problem, which is the excess bile damaging the lining of the small intestine and stomach. Ultimately, if liver damage gets bad enough, it becomes a condition known as Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease.

Fatty Liver Disease

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When excess fat gathers inside liver cells, it forms the condition known as Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD), which was first described by the Mayo Clinic in 1980. This starts when fat begins dominating healthy liver tissue, so less and less healthy liver tissue remains over time. Diseased livers are swollen with enlarged yellow fat tissue. This decreases the efficiency of the liver, causing toxins to remain in the bloodstream and making the liver burn off fat less efficiently, which can lead to weight gain. It is the most common type of liver disease developed in the world.

It is believed that around one in five people in the United States have a fatty liver. This is typically associated with obesity, and insulin resistance that sometimes manifests as diabetes. If this gets worse over time, it will cause inflammation and a buildup of fibrous tissue, leading to more serious symptoms.

Fatty liver is typically caused by excess weight, incorrect diet, diabetes, and alcoholism; but can also be the result of excessive use of topical or ingested substances that are toxic, including certain creams and pain killers. Many of those with fatty liver are unaware of the condition entirely, as the symptoms can be hard to detect, particularly during the early stages. It can cause feelings of general sickness, including a lack of energy and difficulty losing weight. In blood tests, it will often be shown that they have elevated liver enzymes. For a formal diagnosis, see you healthcare professional, who will likely use a blood test and ultrasound scan to see if you have NAFLD.

Fatty liver is not irreversible, there are many things you can do to begin recovering from it. Poor diet is the main cause of fatty liver, so definitely avoid carbohydrates, as you would in any solid diet, particularly refined sugar and white flour, as those are the worst culprits. High intake of any carbohydrates can promote fatty liver, as the liver will convert them into fat. This means foods such as candies, cakes, and breads of all type need to be limited. Limiting alcohol consumption is important as well, as alcohol damages liver cells and causes inflammation, both of which can contribute to fatty liver forming. If you already have fatty liver, limit yourself to about seven standard drinks a week, and take two or three days off a week minimum.

In addition to avoiding carbohydrates, you’ll want to eat certain foods that are good for your liver. We’ll outline a lot of foods that can used for a liver detox below; those are the foods which are the absolute best for your liver, but basically there are three categories you want to focus on. The first category is raw fruits and vegetables. It’s very important that you consume a large amount of vegetables, both cooked and uncooked; and fresh fruits. The second is lean protein, which should be consumed at every meal. Protein will help to stabilize blood sugar levels, and contribute to feeling full and reducing cravings. Good sources are: poultry, such as turkey and chicken; fish, eggs, and seeds. The final category is healthy fats, such as olive oil, fish oil, hemp seeds, flaxseed, and raw nuts. However, be sure to avoid processed oils and margarine, as well as fried foods, as these make fatty liver worse.

How Do You Cleanse Your Liver?

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So, what can you do to cleanse your liver? Once again, the primary role is diet. The following are foods that you can eat to help cleanse your liver:

Avocados – You’ve probably already heard plenty about how good avocados are for you, but may not have known they can be beneficial to your liver. It turns out that avocados contained the compound glutathione, which actively works to protect the liver from toxic overload and expel foreign substances, boosting the liver’s natural filtering prowess.

Beets – These are packed full of several incredibly valuable compounds, notably glutathione, which aid the liver in filtering out harmful chemicals, and betaine which stimulates liver cells, protecting the bile ducts.

Lemons – Citrus-based fruits, particularly lemons and limes, are packed with vitamin C, which helps to make toxins water soluble and boosts liver function. Lemons also aid the digestion process, and cause the liver to produce more enzymes to break down waste. A great way to get this in is to have lemon water, not lemonade, with your breakfast. It’s actually quite refreshing as an added benefit.

Garlic – Allicin and Selenium are two natural compounds found in Garlic that are of particular benefit in cleansing the liver, according to nutritionists. Consuming garlic also causes your liver to produce greater enzymes than many other foods, strengthens and cleanses the circulatory system, and contains sulfur which is a great support agent for the detox process. Garlic is very easy to work into your diet, largely because it is quite delicious! It pairs well with salads, grilled chicken, and many dishes of Italian origins.

Walnuts – Walnuts are packed full of glutathione, amino acids, and omega 3 fatty acids which all help the body to detoxify, and are particularly helpful with helping the liver to expel dangerous ammonia buildup that can cause diseases. They also help to oxygenate the blood. Walnuts can be consumed raw, or in powder or capsule form.

Green Tea – Green tea is not only delicious, It also contains powerful antioxidants which have been proven to aid reduction of liver fat and to promote overall liver health. One particular type of antioxidant in green tea, known as catechins are particularly beneficial to the liver.

Turmeric – Turmeric, a spice traditionally used for flavoring casseroles, stews, and roasts has a hidden health benefit: it aids in the production of liver enzymes. This natural detox agent not only helps the liver to function at its best, but also encourages the growth of new liver cells, so the liver can heal itself, and increase bile production. Add this delicious spice to some of your favorite meals, and reap the benefits of both taste and health!

Leafy Greens – Leafy green vegetables, although universally acknowledged as healthy, have liver benefits many ignore. In particular, spinach, bitter gourd, arugula, chicory, dandelion greens, and more are cleansing to the liver as they help to remove and neutralize heavy metals, various chemicals, and pesticides that we mistakenly ingest due to the imperfect nature of our food sources. Try making dandelion root tea, which helps the liver to break down fat and aids in the manufacture of amino acids, which are essential to the detox process.

Grapefruit – Grapefruit contains a variety of compounds that facilitate the manufacture of specific enzymes used to detoxify the liver and remove carcinogens, including vitamin C, antioxidants, and glutathione. These wonderful fruits also contain naringenin, which is believed to cause the liver to burn fat rather than store it. You can eat a grapefruit itself, or drink grapefruit juice to get many of the same benefits.

Asparagus – Asparagus is a potent diuretic, meaning it promotes urine production, which is one of the body’s primary methods of excreting waste materials, including the toxins that come from the liver’s filtration.

Cruciferous Vegetables – This group of vegetables which includes such things as: broccoli, cauliflower, and Brussel sprouts contain the antioxidant glucosinolate, which promotes the production of enzymes that can both prevent damage from poor dietary decisions and environmental problems, as well as help to repair damaged liver tissue. This substance also helps aid in digestion. Vegetables like this also tend to be very filling, high in fiber, and very low in calories, so they’re an excellent option for dieting!

Cabbage – Cabbage facilitates the body’s production of Isothiocyanates, an important substance that promotes the manufacture of detox enzymes.

Olive and Other Oils – Natural pressed oils, such as olive oil, flax seed oil, and hemp oil help to produce a lipid base that assists the liver in the filtration of foreign toxins.

Cilantro – This delicious and versatile herb helps to remove heavy metals from the body. It can be added to many different types of dishes, from salads to meat dishes, and even smoothies.

Tomatoes – These are a great source of the previously mentioned glutathione, as well as another substance called Lycopene which can help to protect against certain cancers: including skin, lung, and breast cancer.

You really want to focus on these foods for a week or two to effectively cleanse your liver. Then, over time, you’ll want to gradually reintroduce other foods. After this break, your liver will be even better than usual at its job, filtering out all the toxins in your bloodstream, and you should feel increased energy levels. It’s recommended that you practice a liver detox twice a year. In between, a healthy, balanced diet, full of nutrient-dense foods that are obtained from natural sources, so organic is always best. To be quite honest, a liver detox is meant to be a sort of reset, to get you back in touch with real food, and ensure you get all the vitamins and nutrients needed for your whole body, not just the liver, to function optimally.

Also, don’t forget to include protein! Your liver requires protein to get into metabolic action. As previously stated, lean proteins are best, so focus on chicken, turkey, and various kinds of fish. If you don’t eat protein, your liver will actually slow down, negatively affecting both detoxification and metabolism. Protein is also the key to the detoxification process that a recently published study of obese nondiabetic women found that after they took 20 grams of whey protein three times a day for four weeks; the results were an average 20 percent reduction in unhealthy liver fat, 7 percent reduction in total cholesterol, and 15 percent reduction in triglycerides.

Obviously you don’t have to try to incorporate every one of these into your diet right away! As with anything in the health arena, moderation is key. Try one or two of our suggestions; your liver will thank you. These items fits particularly well into the Paleo and Vegan diets, so if you’re interested in either of those diets, be sure to check out our one week meal plans for both. If you’re looking for a more complete detox, you should check out our Full Body Detox.

Don’t Forget Exercise

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Yes, like so many other things, taking care of your liver is ultimately going to come down to both diet and exercise. Consistent exercise is a key part repairing a fatty liver. Exercise creates the demand for energy in muscle groups, which lets your liver farm out fuel to them, exactly the way it’s meant to. The more exercise, and the greater intensity, the better, however, studies have shown that even moderate exercise can have a definite positive effect on this condition. We recommend starting with something a little easier if you’re new, and gradually working your way up to greater intensity.

Both cardio and weight training can be of great benefit in this area. In a study, obese individuals walked on a treadmill for one hour each day, and improved their insulin resistance, raised Adiponectin levels, and reduced the level of fat in the liver. Similar results have been shown from studies done with both humans and animals have shown that even a few aerobic sessions per week can reduce body weight and improve liver function. Strength training also helps with this issue, by causing normal growth hormone function.

In order to have a positive impact on your liver function and overall health, you need to exercise consistently. In fact, we would say it’s far more important to be consistent than intense, at least at the beginning. When you do an act repeatedly over time, you naturally get more efficient at it, and the muscles involved with strengthen, allowing you to exercise with increasing intensity. It’s also worth mentioning that exercise activates genes that enhance metabolic function, which lay dormant when you’re inactive.

Should I Do a Liquid Detox?

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While it’s difficult to make generalizations as to what each person should and should not try in regards to detoxing their liver; it’s generally not a great idea to try this. One important reason for this is that proteins are truly key, not only for maintaining muscle mass throughout the detox, but also because they play a major part in keeping all your organs working well, so they really drive the detoxification process.

Furthermore, liquid diets are strongly condemned by many doctors. This is not without reason. By forcing these restrictions on your body, you deplete it of other things it may need to function optimally. This causes cravings, which not only makes it more difficult to stick to the detox, but is your body’s way of telling you it is lacking something.

This is not to say that we are against supplementing your diet with liquids during the detoxification process. In fact, we recommend juicing to take in some, but not all of your detox veggies. See our Ultimate Guide to Juicing for juicing advice and recipes that will incorporate many of our recommended detox foods. Just remember to use this in moderation, as your body needs solid foods as well.

Our 7 Day Cleanse Meal Plan

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We understand that it can be difficult to apply this, so we’ve organized a seven day meal plan that would make a great detox diet for most everyone.

Day One

We’ll start off the cleanse with a nice green juice for breakfast, a turkey lettuce wrap for lunch, and roast chicken for dinner.

Breakfast: Take the following and put it into your juicer one by one: 2 green apples (halved), 4 stalks of celery, 1 cucumber, 6 kale leaves, ½ lemon (peeled), 1 small piece fresh ginger. We recommend having some fresh, sliced grapefruit with this as well.

Lunch: In a skillet, brown a pound of ground turkey, then add 2 cloves minced garlic, 1 diced red bell pepper, 1 small white onion, ¼ cup hoisin sauce, 2 tablespoons soy sauce, ½ teaspoon freshly grated ginger, 2 thinly sliced green onions, 1 tablespoon olive oil, and some spices such as pepper and kosher salt, to taste. Continue cooking this together, stirring, until the added vegetables are fully cooked. Afterwards, spoon this onto a lettuce leaf, and wrap it up!

Dinner: Mix the following together to made a seasoning: 1 ½ tablespoons olive oil, 1 teaspoon turmeric, ½ teaspoon dried chili flakes, 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon, 2 teaspoons smoked paprika, 1 tablespoon ground cumin, and ½ tablespoon garlic powder. Season chicken breasts with this (not too thick, err on the side of caution), and bake at 400 degrees Fahrenheit for approximately 25 minutes, or until center of chicken is fully cooked.

Day Two

Today we’ll have a whole food protein shake for breakfast, a grilled chicken caesar salad for lunch, and salmon for dinner.

Breakfast: Add the following to your blender: ½ cup frozen blueberries, ½ frozen cranberries, 1 tablespoon almond coconut oil, 1 tablespoon pumpkin seeds, 1 tablespoon chia seeds, 1 tablespoon hemp seeds, 2 walnuts, ¼ avocado, ½ tablespoon extra-virgin coconut coconut oil, ½ cup unsweetened almond milk, ½ cup water. Blend at a high speed for approximately two minutes, then add more water if desired for less thickness.

Lunch: Grill several chicken strips (totaling about 16 ounces) over high heat, then cut into slices. Combine 1/4 teaspoon pepper, 2 tablespoons wine vinegar, 2 tablespoons olive oil, 1 teaspoon minced garlic, 1 teaspoon Dijon mustard, and ½ teaspoon anchovy paste in a large bowl, stirring with a whisk. Add 6 cups of chopped romaine lettuce and 2 cups chopped radicchio lettuce to bowl; toss well to coat.

Dinner: Combine ¼ cup rice wine vinegar, 3 tablespoons maple syrup, and 2 tablespoons orange juice in a large zip-top freezer bag, then add 4 skinned salmon fillets, seal and let marinate for at least three hours in a refrigerator. Remove fish from bag, reserving the marinade. Pour marinade into a small saucepan; bring to a boil. Cook until reduced to 2 tablespoons (about 5 minutes). Place fish on grill rack or pan coated with cooking spray; grill 4 minutes on each side or until fish flakes easily when tested with a fork or until desired degree of doneness, basting occasionally with marinade. Remove fish from grill; sprinkle with salt and pepper to taste. This is best served with steamed broccoli as a side.

Day Three

Today we’ll have a greens smoothie for breakfast, lentil soup for lunch, and a Mexican chicken mix for dinner.

Breakfast: Blend two cups unsweetened almond milk and 2 cups fresh spinach until smooth, then add 1 large apple (cored, of any variety), 1 banana, 1/3 cup rolled oats, 1 tablespoon coconut oil, and ½ teaspoon ground cinnamon and blend again until smooth.

Lunch: Place 2 tablespoons of olive oil into a large 6-quart Dutch oven and set over medium heat. Once hot, add 1 cup finely chopped onion, ½ cup finely chopped carrot, ½ cup finely chopped celery and 2 teaspoons kosher salt and sweat until the onions are translucent, approximately 6 to 7 minutes. Add 1 lb lentils (picked and rinsed), 1 cup peeled and chopped tomatoes, 2 quarts chicken broth, ½ teaspoon freshly ground coriander, ½ teaspoon freshly ground cumin and ½ teaspoon ground grains of paradise and stir to combine. Increase the heat to high and bring just to a boil. Reduce the heat to low, cover and cook at a low simmer until the lentils are tender, approximately 35 to 40 minutes. Using a stick blender, puree to your preferred consistency. Serve immediately.

Dinner: Cut several breasts of chicken into bite-sized pieces, season the pieces lightly with salt, pepper, and cumin, and cook in a skillet with a bit of coconut oil over medium heat. Dice one large red onion, and 1-2 tomatoes, and sauté these in the same skillet as the chicken finishes cooking. Spoon into a bowl while still hot and serve.

Day Four

Today we’ll have eggs and grapefruit for breakfast, quinoa cranberry chicken salad for lunch, and wild rice and coconut oilnut squash casserole for dinner.

Breakfast: You can cook your eggs anyway you like, but for a quick breakfast, you can just scrambled them. To do so, lightly coat a skillet in coconut oil and break as many eggs as desired, cooking them over medium heat while breaking them up and ensuring they cook evenly. Have a bit of grapefruit with this as well.

Lunch: Take 3 large chicken breasts, and cut them into three strips each. Rub the chicken with salt, pepper, sage, and garlic to taste. Place in a bowl, baking dish, or freezer bag with ¼ cup of lemon juice and 3 tablespoons red wine vinegar. Cover this and refrigerate for at least half an hour, preferably longer. Place ¾ cup quinoa and 1 ½ cups of water in a sauce pan, then bring this to a boil over high heat, reduce to a simmer and cover. After approximately 15 minutes, the quinoa should have absorbed all the water and be al dente, at which point you set it in a bowl to cool completely. When the chicken has finished marinating, grill them until thoroughly cooked. While the chicken cools, whisk 2 tablespoons olive oil, 3 tablespoons balsamic vinegar, 1 tablespoon honey, 1 tablespoon lemon juice, and some salt and pepper in a bowl.  Stir in ½ cup chopped scallions to coat them and add flavor. When the chicken is cool enough to handle, chop into 1-inch cubes.  Toss the chicken with the quinoa, cranberries, almonds, scallions, and dressing.  Add salt and pepper to taste, and enjoy!

Dinner: Cook one cup wild rice medley, according to packing instructions, minus about 10 minutes (it will finish cooking later while the dish bakes.) Cut 1 medium-sized coconut oilnut squash in half lengthwise, removing seeds with a large spoon. Pour 1 cup apple juice into a roasting pan and place squash face down. Roast at 400° F for about 20 minutes. You will want it to be a bit firm so you can cut it into cubes. Meanwhile, in a non-stick skillet, brown one pound ground turkey over medium-high heat. Add 1 small yellow chopped onion, and sauté 3 more minutes. Roughly chop 1 bunch of baby spinach leaves and add to turkey mixture. Cook until just wilted, about 2 minutes, and remove from heat. Remove skin from squash and cut into 1 inch cubes. In a small bowl, mix 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon, 1 Tablespoon fresh thyme, 1 Tablespoon fresh Parsley, 1 teaspoon salt, and a pinch of black pepper to taste. Put rice, turkey mixture, squash, herbs and spices into a greased casserole dish. Bake at 400° F for 30 minutes. Sprinkle with cheese and bake another 5-7 minutes until cheese is melted.

Day Five

Today we’ll have a Spinach and Tomato Omelet for breakfast, a Baked Sweet Potato with Greens for lunch, and Black Bean and Quinoa Chili for dinner.

Breakfast: Melt a small amount of coconut oil in a small saute pan, add the 3-4 eggs, then season with salt and pepper.  Cook the egg until almost set, sprinkle with the grated cheese, pile a small handful of baby spinach leaves and diced tomatoes the spinach on one side, fold, then continue to cook until done.

Lunch: Heat oven to 400 degrees. Bake 2 picked sweet potatoes until tender, about 45 minutes. Heat 1 tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil in a large skillet over medium heat. Add 1 thinly sliced small onion and cook until tender, about 6 minutes. Add 1 stemmed and chopped bunch Swiss chard and cook, stirring, until bright green and wilted, about 5 minutes. Season with salt. To serve, split potatoes and top each with the greens and 1/2 sliced avocado. Season with cayenne, salt, and a squeeze of lemon.

Dinner: Combine the following in a large pot: 3 can black beans (low sodium, rinsed), 1 cup quinoa (uncooked, rinsed), 3 cups vegetable broth, 2 cups water, 1 can hominy or yellow sweet corn, 1 can diced tomatoes, 1 tablespoon fresh chopped cilantro, 1 finely diced poblano pepper, 1 tablespoon minced garlic, 1 chopped green pepper, 1/2 medium diced onion, 1 cinnamon stick, 2-3 tablespoons chili powder, 1 teaspoon cumin powder, 1 teaspoon onion powder, 1/2 teaspoon ground pepper, and 1/2 teaspoon salt. Turn heat to medium/high and bring to a rolling boil. Then, cover and let simmer on low for about an hour. Serve with diced green onions and avocado.

Day 6

Today we’ll have a Breakfast Burger for breakfast, Lemon and Garlic Scallops for lunch, and Ginger Citrus Roast Chicken for dinner.

Breakfast: Combine 1 lb ground turkey with 1 egg, 2-3 sun dried tomatoes, 2 tablespoons almond meal, 1 teaspoon minced garlic and 2 teaspoons basil, form into 4 burger patties. Cook 8 strips of bacon if not already done, drain and set aside. In skillet, cook burger patties 5 minutes on each side, or until done. Set on plates. Fry ½ cup ground sausage in skillet, top burgers with sausage, then top with bacon. Fry 4 eggs, one at a time and place on top of burgers.

Lunch: Heat a pan over a medium heat and melt ¾ cup coconut oil or ghee. Add 3 tablespoons minced garlic for a minute, until fragrant; Add 2 pounds large scallops and cook for a few minutes on the first side so they are about halfway cooked. Turn the scallops and finish cooking until they are firm and opaque. Put the scallops aside to a plate and add the lemon juice to the hot coconut oil and garlic in the pan. Season to taste; Serve the scallops on a bed of steamed or roasted vegetables with 2 tablespoons lemon juice and garlic coconut oil sauce on top. Additionally, sprinkle some fresh parsley or chives on top if available.

Dinner: Preheat your oven to 425 F. Grate the zest 1 orange and lemon and then cut them in quarter. Wipe 1 whole (~4 ½ pound) chicken dry and place it in a roasting pan. Mix 1 tbsp of the grated ginger with the citrus zest. Rub the citrus mixture in the chicken cavity with some added salt and pepper if wanted. Add the quartered lemon and orange inside the cavity. Juice 2 more lemons and 1 orange with 2 tbsp ginger and add 5 tablespoons melted coconut oil. Brush the chicken with the mixture. Put in the oven for 15 minutes. After 15 minutes, baste the chicken and reduce the heat to 375 F. After another 25 minutes, baste again, turn the chicken on his breast and cook for another 25 minutes. At this point, verify the doneness of the chicken by seeing if the juices run clear when you cut the thickest part of the breast. You can also verify with a meat thermometer (should be 160 F in the breast and at least 170 F in the thigh). When ready, remove from oven and let the chicken rest for 15 minutes. Garnish with extra citrus wedges if wanted desired, or place on a bed of steamed vegetables or spinach. Use the citrus, coconut oil and ginger cooking juice as a sauce.

Day Seven

Today we’ll have Breakfast Salad with Eggs for breakfast, Olive, Garlic and Lemon Chicken for lunch, and Grilled Trout for dinner.

Breakfast: Melt some coconut oil in a small frying pan over medium high heat. Crack two eggs and cover, then prepare your salad on a plate. Combine fresh baby spinach, peppers, onion, carrots, tomato, celery, avocado, broccoli or any of your favorite vegetables. Cook the eggs to your preferred doneness. Season your salad with some sea salt and pepper, maybe a touch of avocado or olive oil and any other seasonings. Top it off with your two eggs.

Lunch: Preheat your oven to 350 F. Melt the first 1/4 cup coconut oil in a large and hot pan and brown 8 chicken thighs on all sides, for about 6 minutes total. Set the chicken aside. Cook 3 cups thinly sliced onions until soft, about 3 minutes. Add 3 cloves minced garlic and cook for about a minute, until fragrant. Season with salt and pepper at this point. Add 1 ½ cups chicken stock, 1 teaspoon thyme and ½ cup lemon juice and return the chicken thighs to the pan, skin side up. Bring to a simmer and put the pan, covered, in the hot oven for about 20 minutes. Remove the lid, add ½ pound halved olives as well as 2 thinly sliced lemons and bake for another 15 to 20 minutes uncovered. Serve the chicken with the olive, garlic and lemon sauce as well as with some of the lemon slices.

Dinner: Preheat your broiler. Slash the sides of two medium-sized prepared trout (gutted, scaled, and cleaned) about 8 times each side with a knife so the butter or oil can make its way in. Rub the trout with butter and season with salt and pepper. Stuff the cavity with 1 bunch chopped parsley, 1 bunch dill and thin lemon slices. Put the fish on a baking rack on a pan for the drippings. Sprinkle the zest of one lemon on top of the fish and add generous knobs of butter on the fish to form a wonderful golden crust. Place two lemon halves on the baking tray too. Grill at about 6 inches from the heat source for about 6 minutes on each side. Squeeze the roasted lemons on the fish before serving and you’ve got yourself a wonderful dinner.

Obviously each recipe will have to be adjusted to match the caloric needs of the individual, as well and the number of people being fed. If going at this detox diet alone, you may find it beneficial to make the recipes as listed and eat leftovers of larger meals instead of making each recipe, or do the detox for more than one week to ensure that no food is wasted.

The Bottom Line

Hopefully you found this advice useful. The liver, unfortunately, often gets ignored when we think about our overall health. However, like many other things, it is a silent but important part of something much larger. In this case, cleansing the blood which the rest of the body will put to use. Please do make an effort to improve the condition of your liver. Following our advice regarding diet and exercise for optimal liver function will enhance the health of your entire body. You’ll find you have more energy and all your other organs will benefit as well, so you can expect healthier skin, digestion, cardiovascular function, and more; so try it today! Also, don’t forget to share this article on your social networks by clicking the share buttons below if you found the information we shared useful!