Is a High Fat Diet Healthy?

Is a High Fat Diet Healthy

A high-fat diet has often been reputed to be the worst way to get the proper nutrition your body needs. There are however, a growing number of people who believe that the anti-fat fad may be leading us astray.

Studies are now suggesting that what our bodies really need is the opposite of what we’ve been giving them. According to a new study put out by the National Institute of Health, a diet that reduces the number of carbs in favor of increased fats is beneficial for nearly every area of health in the human body, including keeping our arteries clear and our waistlines trim. They say that even saturated fats found in dairy and meat are good for us.

So what gives? Why the sudden change from years of promoting low-fat diets to new recommendations of eating diets high in the fats we once thought caused disease?

This study isn’t suggesting that we should gorge on fats to become healthy; cupcakes and pounds of bacon are not healthy and will definitely not help keep your waistline trim. There are, however, some high fat foods that are highly beneficial. Adding these foods to your diet in favor of excess carbohydrates will be sure to lead to increased health, energy, and overall well-being.

7 High Fat Foods That Are (Really) Good For You


Avocados are fruits whose calorie count is 77% from fat. A component of this fat, called oleic acid, has been proven to be highly beneficial. Even though avocados are high in fat, those who consume this creamy green fruit as part of their regular diet have been shown to have slimmer waists and weigh less than people who don’t. Along with all the healthy fats they contain, avocados are also high in fiber and are an excellent source of potassium.



Eggs are a food that steps in and out of the spotlight of healthy eating. One day we’re told they’re healthy; the next day we’re told to avoid them at all costs. We’re here to settle the score: eggs are one of the healthiest high-fat foods you can put in your body. Whole eggs used to be a healthy diet no-no, but it seems we had it all wrong.

Whole eggs (yolk and all) are one of the most complete nutrition sources we can easily find. Furthermore, the fat they contain is actually beneficial to our health. While they do contain a fair amount of fat, they are also loaded with protein, which will keep you fuller for longer and give you more energy than a few slices of toast.

Dark Chocolate

dark chocolate

Dark chocolate is quite high in fat (65% of total calories come from fat). It is also an antioxidant-rich food that is recommended (in moderate amounts) as part of a healthy diet. Its high fat content is actually healthy, and it contains 11% of the recommended daily amount (RDA) of fiber and 50% of the RDA of iron, magnesium, copper, and manganese.

Studies have shown that people who consume dark chocolate up to five times a week are less than half as likely to die from heart disease compared to those who don’t. Eating dark chocolate is one of the sweetest ways to stay healthy and is a delicious way to keep your heart running strong. Just make sure you get pure dark chocolate that is at least 70 percent raw cacao (and don’t eat too much!)

Grass Fed Butter


Organic butter made from grass-fed cows is another surprisingly healthy food. Butter has gotten a bad reputation over the years because it is high in cholesterol and saturated fat, but studies are now showing that the fatty acids contained in grass-fed butter can be good for you.

Butter that is made from grass-fed cows contains butyrate and CLA, two fatty acids that are essential in the maintenance of good health. It has been shown in countries where cows are fed a grass diet that consumption of the dairy products made from them leads to a decreased risk of heart disease. Throw out your margarine and use an all natural fat instead!

Full-Fat Yogurt

yogurt with fruits

We’ve all that yogurt is good for our health, but did you know just how beneficial high-fat yogurt is? Full fat yogurt contains the nutrients that other full-fat dairy products offer, but is also loaded with the probiotics our guts need to stay healthy and running smooth.

Full-fat yogurt makes an excellent alternative to grain-based breakfasts and can offer the energy and satiation you need to start your day right. Only choose yogurts that are high in fats for the best nutrition. The low-fat varieties you see adorning the shelves at your local market are usually full of added sugars that are detrimental to your health.



Nuts contain some of the highest fat content of all foods we can find, but also happen to be one of the healthiest options we can choose. They’re an excellent source of plant-based protein and are naturally full of vitamins and minerals.

Studies have shown that people who regularly eat a moderate amount of nuts are less likely to develop heart disease, diabetes, and obesity. Make sure to stick to healthy varieties like almonds, walnuts, cashews, and macadamia nuts. Because they are high in fat, nuts are calorie-dense, so watch your portion sizes – a small handful is usually more than enough.



There is no denying that cheese is high in fat, but it also happens to be incredibly high in nutrients and is an excellent source of protein, calcium, and B12. One thick slice of cheese contains almost 7 grams of protein as well as the fatty acids your body needs to avoid diseases like Type 2 diabetes.

Including High Fats in a Healthy Diet

While a diet of solely chocolate, cheese, and butter may sound delicious, it is obviously not the healthiest choice you can make. Being wise about our dietary choices and eating a well-balanced diet that is rich in healthy fats as well as whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and lean meats is one of the easiest ways to stay healthy and fit.

We have to depart from the mindset that high-fat foods are always unhealthy. Often, the opposite is actually true. Our bodies need healthy fats in order to function the way they were intended to. By including foods that are high in fat in your diet, you offer your body balance and nutrition that can’t be found eating a low-fat diet alone. You will also benefit from avoiding the excess sugar and salt that are often added to low-fat foods.